Hello, Welcome to our September newsletter. It's a bumper issue with the usual news, events and funding. This month we focus on sustainability and the environment because there are so many good things happening locally to reduce carbon emissions in the city. Read on to find out what our local communities are doing to help people with their energy costs, keep unwanted stuff out of landfill and make fashion more sustainable. Also, our AGM will be on the morning of Thursday 30 November at Southwick Community Centre so please save the date. Last but not least, 'shanah tova' to all of you who are celebrating Rosh Hashana this weekend! Best wishes, The Community Works team
Welcome to our new members! The Outlook Foundation | Rainbow CommUnity Projects | Here | Orchards | Stanmer Sauna Garden | AGD European Youth Association | | Women of Colour Brighton | The Bee Hive Art Club | Climate:Change