Frequently Asked Questions

Can we join?

Membership is for most types of non-profit groups and organisations, the main features of which are:

  • Your group’s activities and projects meet a genuine identified community need
  • Your group is active in or operates to support communities in Adur & Worthing or Brighton & Hove
  • There is more than one top decision-maker actively involved. This means your constituted community group / charity / CIC has top decision-makers who are committee members / trustees / directors who are all active in their role (they are involved in discussions, attend meetings, and take part in making significant decisions)
  • Your group or organisation operates in a way that protects against personal gain. It does not pay any dividend or surplus to directors / shareholders / members
  • Constituted community groups / charities have an entirely voluntary management committee / trustee board. CICs may pay reasonable salaries to directors

If you can say yes to all of the above, you can apply to join!

Please check the members Directory  to be sure your organisation is not already a member.

What do we need?

You will need to have:

  • A constitution or other accepted rules of working
  • Aims, objectives and working methods that are written down in a publicly available document
  • A commitment to equal opportunities and the promotion of equality and diversity
  • A commitment to safeguarding staff, volunteers and service users.

Don’t worry if you are new to this. We can help you to develop all of the above.

If your organisation is a community interest company, not-for-profit company or social enterprise, we expect you to have a constitution or governing document which shows you have an asset lock and anybody can apply to be on your governing body.

Is membership free for our organisation?

Membership is free for those with an annual income below £35,000.

Income above £35,000? Your fee gives you two years of membership benefits:

Your annual income Fee Monthly equivalent
Up to £35k £0 £0
Up to £100k £50 £2.08
Up to £250k £100 £4.17
Up to £500k £200 £8.33
Up to £1m £300 £12.50
Over £1m £350 £14.50

What's your code of conduct?

Your knowledge and skills are highly valued and respected by Community Works. In turn, we’re committed to providing spaces and services which are enjoyable, informative and look after the wellbeing of all our members, our guests, our staff and our volunteers.

Our Members Code of Conduct sets out how we can best achieve that together.

man receiving counselling support
The support of Community Works has been invaluable in helping us to successfully secure funding... They helped us look objectively at our bids and focus on the key points that would help a funder understand what we do and the value we offer the community
Worthing Counselling Centre

Member Benefits

Whether you’re a community group, a charity or a non-profit, Community Works is here to help you achieve your aims.

As a Community Works member you will have exclusive access to our newsletter and email groups as well as priority access to our support and events.

Support & Resources

Learn and collaborate

  • Priority access to events and network meetings; meet other groups, learn together and influence local plans
  • Priority bookings and reduced fees for training
  • Mentoring programme

Your voice heard

  • Sector representation; be heard and influence local policy and decision making
  • Voting rights at our AGM
  • Promote your organisation by featuring in our members’ online directory
  • Share your news, request support, and stay updated with members-only email groups and a monthly newsletter



Get the support your organisation needs