Community Works gains LIQA Accreditation
Community Works are proud to announce that we have been awarded a NAVCA Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation (LIQA) for commitment and achievement in quality and compliance.

The accreditation involved the independent assessment of a portfolio of evidence provided, including over 50 pieces of evidence including reports and data, demonstrating the range and quality of work Community Works produces with and for the local VCSE.
Jessica Sumner, Community Works CEO said, ‘I am massively proud of the whole team at Community Works for working so hard to deliver high quality services for our local communities. Securing the highest grade for our work in partnership and collaboration, building capacity for our members, and volunteering was achieved purely as a result of the volunteers, staff and Trustees in our team. I am grateful to those who took part in the assessment process for the quality mark – funders, partners, members and volunteers as their contributions brought our evidence to life and showed how are developing in our ambitions to be a better support organisation for the amazing voluntary and community organisations we work with.’
The evidence was assessed against a set of criteria based around the Four Functions of Infrastructure: leadership and advocacy, partnerships and collaborations, capacity building and volunteering. The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) also carried out interviews with staff, volunteers, trustees, members and funders. The award is valid for three years.
NAVCA are the national membership body for local infrastructure organisations, supporting the voluntary and community sector in England.
To see the certificate award from the final assessment click on the link below.