NAVCA Allyship Champions Programme
We’ve joined NAVCA’s new Allyship Champions programme to learn how to stand up for the rights of minoritised, marginalised and under-served communities

As part of our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), Community Works has joined NAVCA’s new Allyship Champions programme. The programme brings together individuals working within local infrastructure organisations to learn how to stand up for the rights of minoritised, marginalised and under-served communities, and how to encourage allyship within our organisations and our local voluntary and community sectors.
An ally is someone who speaks up for one or more minoritised groups they are not a part of. It’s an active process of personal learning, reflection and growth. An ally develops the skills to challenge discrimination and to stand in solidarity with others so they are listened to and heard.
The programme involves monthly training and peer support sessions in a cohort of 15 infrastructure organisations across England. As we go through the year, we intend to share the learning with our members to support more people in becoming allies, using their privilege, power, and/or position to promote a culture of EDI.
Community Works is dedicated to learning more about different identities and experiences, challenging prejudice and discrimination, amplifying voices and creating safe, inclusive services (see our Code of Conduct for members and others using our spaces). We stand with communities facing discrimination, including Black and Racially Minoritised people, LGBTQ+ people, Trans, Non-binary and/or Intersex people, and Disabled people. We take an intersectional approach, recognising that types of discrimination are linked and aiming to challenge them at the same time e.g. by bringing different communities together within partnership projects.
If you would like to know more about our EDI work, or to better understand our Code of Conduct, contact us at